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Interview with photographer: Beatriz Castanheira

Writer's picture: The Drama MerchantThe Drama Merchant

Our first interview is with Beatriz Castanheira, who is a designer and a photography student at Entrenpreneur Education.

Her connection with art started early, when she was only 7 years old she had her first painting class. After that she couldn’t see the world anymore without art and expression.

Currently she works photographing women in a project which she calls “Self Love Session”. Her truest passion is to raise other women up, make them feel what they really are, goddesses.

Photography is her fiercest desire to make a world that she has always dreamt about becoming reality. A world where everyone lives in their totality.

Being a fellow creative I asked her the following questions:

Q1. Do you think that creativity involves putting your heart and soul into your work? Or is it more like letting your mind flow freely and seeing the results of your actions?

I think it’s a bit of both. Creativity it’s all about putting your heart into your work and also letting chance happen naturally.

Q2. What influenced or still influences your creativity?

Almost everything, walking, talking, reading, traveling, exhibitions. But one thing that really makes my creativity flow is notice the small and simple things during my day, watching the sunrise or sunset, admire the tiny flowers in my garden, make someone laugh, repair beauty in people.

Q3. Do you strive to be unique in your creative endeavours? Please explain.

In my opinion everyone is unique, for example, me and you can take a photo of the same subject but it will be completely different from each other. I don’t that creativity should be an effort. It comes naturally to everyone. You just have to let it flow.

Q4. What do you do to keep yourself motivated and interested in your work?

The more I work with photography and creativity, the more I realise that I still don’t know anything, that I have so many things to learn, try, experience. That’s what keep me motivated.

Q5. What is creativity to you? Do you consider yourself to be creative? Why or why not?

Creative is an action verb. I’ve always considered myself creative, but I just realised that I wasn’t after many years because all ideas in my mind weren’t being accomplished. They were only thoughts and ideas. When I realised this, I started to be really creative. I really put into practice. And the feeling could’t be better. Now a days a consider myself a creative woman.

Q6. If you could interview a creative person (past or present), who would that person be? Please explain your choice.

I think I would interview Rob Woodcox. He is one of my favourite photographers. I love his work how each photography has always a beautiful meaning behind it.

Q7. If you work were edible, what would it taste like?

I think it would taste like mom’s food because it always gives me the feeling of being embraced, makes my heart warmer.


Hopefully this little interview has inspired you, the reader. Click on Photos in Focus if you missed reading my last blog.

To see more of Beatriz work you can visit her website: or follow her on instagram on @bgcastanheira

People tend to look at the rich and famous for inspiring words & knowledge. Their trials and tribulations seem to mean more when they have some sort of social acceptance & financial standing. But i believe we forget that the same inspiration & knowledge we seek can also be found amongst the people who live in our communities, bringing their dreams to life.

Beatriz mentioned in one of her answers that she realized she had to put her creative thoughts into practice. When she embraced this realization, and put her creativity it into practice she now considers herself a creative woman.

Her answer mirrors one of my core beliefs which is: Authentic creativity doesn't just dream, it gives you the courage and energy to put in the hard work to build.

So I'll finish this blog with this question:

Are your creative thoughts, your dreams, authentic enough to give you the courage and energy to bring them to life, no matter how small or complex they are?


Note: the questions asked were sourced from Questions to Ask Creative Individuals

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